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Page 24

  His hair was more orange than red and curled around his head in a fiery halo. He was partial to togas. Today’s was light green, a nice complement to his dark green eyes. He wore sandals to complete the look. He was standing beside a tall and slender female with long blonde hair and tan skin, and an even taller male with a wiry build and dark hair. The female wore a simple yellow sundress and had bare feet. She looked like a California beach bunny. The male wore a flowing light gray shirt with matching pants and boots.

  “My second commander, Dalila, and I will show you the way.” He looked at the female.

  “It will be my pleasure,” she said with a bow of her head and a cross of her right arm over her chest. “It is nice to see you again, Olivia,” she said, reminding Skye that she had been the Orculesti to assist her sister before the Becoming ceremony just after she transitioned to this plane. “We are very much looking forward to spending a bit more time with you all before the ritual.”

  Her accent was very unusual. Skye figured it probably wasn’t in existence on the human plane any more.

  “I also wanted to introduce you to lieutenant Jean-Marc. He handles security throughout the homeland. He will help ensure your stay here is uneventful.”

  Jean-Marc inclined his head politely and also crossed his right arm over his chest before bowing. “It is nice to meet you all at last.”

  Skye and her sisters hadn’t spent much time with many lieutenants. This rank of Estilorian rarely ventured to the main base because their tasks were, like Jean-Marc’s, centered within their homelands. The Scultresti lieutenant, Gordain, had been supervising several different complex creations while they had been at his homeland, and the Wymzesti lieutenant, Nour, had been training new recruits during their stay at his homeland and had only briefly greeted them.

  Jean-Marc’s affect was as unemotional as most Estilorians, but Skye smiled at him anyway. They all exchanged pleasantries and extended their thanks before following the two commanders as they led the way to their accommodations. The other elders, on the other hand, went with Malukali and Jean-Marc to where they would be staying.

  They didn’t encounter a single other Orculesti on the path. It was like walking through a cloud, Skye thought. The air was clear, but everywhere she looked appeared to be shrouded in fog. When she gazed intently at one spot to her right, the fog parted enough to reveal what looked like a stone temple. As soon as she stopped staring at it, the mist returned. Figuring it was similar to the Wymzesti homeland and required focused thought to make things clearer, she shrugged and took Caleb’s hand.

  They were led to another stone building. This one looked like a church, she thought with wide eyes. It had a steeple of sorts and colored glass in the windows. The door was nothing but fog.

  “We ask you all to touch this doorway,” Ailfrid requested. “It will register your essence and will allow no one else passage without your permission.”

  Smiling, Skye reached out and placed her hand into the mist. Caleb and her siblings all did the same. It flashed blue-green and stayed that color even after they all removed their hands. Ailfrid and Dalila exchanged looks.

  “Your connection with each other is quite strong,” Dalila observed. “You are very fortunate to have each other.”

  There was a pause. Skye grinned. “You bet,” she replied for all of them.

  “You have only to contact one of us should you require anything,” Ailfrid said with a bow. “We look forward to seeing you for breakfast in the morning.”

  “Thanks, Ailfrid,” Gabriel said. “See y’all in the morning.”

  They all filed into the building. The blue-green mists parted for each of them. Skye realized when they got inside the structure that the door looked like an ordinary wooden door from that side. She thought it was ridiculously cool and wondered when she would ever stop being wowed by things on this plane.

  Never, Caleb thought. You were ‘wowed’ by a sunset.

  She grinned, realizing he was right. I was also wowed by your kiss, she thought with a wink at him. She glanced around then. Speaking of which…yep. Separate bedrooms.

  See? he returned philosophically. There will always be things to wow us.

  The welcome breakfast for Saraqael’s daughters was attended by nearly every Orculesti in the homeland over a few decades of age. Because there were quite a few Orculesti away due to pairings with Gloresti and Corgloresti elsewhere on the plane, as well as some Orculesti away at Central’s base, there weren’t as many in the homeland as Skye had envisioned. All in all, there were only a few hundred beings present at the meal.

  As had become the standard, the sisters and their Gloresti were seated with the elders at a head table. They all sat on one side of an extremely long, curved table. The attending Orculesti were sitting at long rectangular tables facing them. Before the meal began, each of the Orculesti walked past the table and issued a bow of respect to the elders and the sisters as they took their seats.

  Golly, that was overwhelming, she thought to Caleb as the last attendee took his seat and food began to appear on the tables.

  He glanced at her as her attention was turned by the platters of food. Sunlight caught the jeweled butterfly pin she wore in her hair just behind her left ear. The glittering light blue and coral pink gems in the pin matched her dangling earrings, choker necklace and wide bangle bracelets, and, of course, coordinated perfectly with her outfit. She wore a knee-length, pink-and-blue-striped dress with wide bands of fabric that crossed over her chest and shoulders and connected in the back, leaving a diamond-shaped patch of skin visible over her abdomen. Her sandals had thin straps that crisscrossed all the way up her calves to where the dress ended. He wasn’t sure how, but her toenails were the same coral pink as her accessories.

  She gave him a laughing glance when she sensed his curiosity over this. He guessed it would have to remain a feminine mystery when she piled fresh berries on her plate and didn’t explain.

  A few minutes later, he suddenly looked to his right and got to his feet. He sensed Gabriel and James doing the same beside him. He was certain they had also noted the quick and concerned glances that some of the Orculesti sent in that direction. They soon realized the point of those glances.

  Dacian, the Orculesti who had nearly caused the girls’ deaths at the welcome reception, ran into the middle of the gathering, all but skidding to a stop in front of the elders’ table.

  “Dacian!” Malukali shouted, also getting to her feet. “You were forbidden to attend this event.”

  He fell to his knees and crossed both of his arms over his chest in supplication. “I know, archigos Malukali. And I sincerely regret disobeying your order. But I may never get the chance to do this again and I am willing to accept the consequences.”

  Caleb had pulled Skye to her feet and pushed her behind him, just as Gabriel and James did with Amber and Olivia. Still, he could feel her trying to peek around him. She was clutching the back of his tank top. His assessing gaze quickly determined that the Orculesti was unarmed.

  Dacian looked up at Caleb, Gabriel and James even as he was surrounded by Orculesti lead by lieutenant Jean-Marc, who obviously intended to physically remove him. Dacian’s dark green eyes were filled with emotion, surprising Caleb. “I am deeply sorry for what happened at the welcome reception. My actions were quite ignorant and motivated by unjustified arrogance. I had no idea what I was doing when I suggested the mental intrusion to my companions, and never expected them all to try it at one time. Please know that I would never have had harm come to any of Saraqael’s daughters. Nor would I have caused you three the pain of losing them.”

  “Remove him, Jean-Marc,” Malukali said in a firm voice. Caleb noted that her eyes reflected confusion and compassion, however.

  When Jean-Marc reached down to pull him to his feet, Dacian nodded. He didn’t argue when they began ushering him from the room. And then Skye, Olivia and Amber all stepped out from behind their husbands.

  “We forgive you,” they said
at the same time.

  Dacian’s head whirled back toward them. He appeared all but undone by the three words. Then he nodded again and allowed himself to be escorted out.

  Caleb put a hand on Skye’s shoulder. Her eyes were sad. They once again took their seats. Everyone went back to eating as though nothing had happened.

  When he realized a few minutes later that she was only shifting the food around on her plate rather than eating, he thought, Will you tell me why you were so affected by his plea?

  She looked decidedly reluctant, but nodded. Then she took his hand and briefly closed her eyes. Images flashed through his mind. Intense fear. Panicked running. Gabriel beside her, his appearance similar, but different. The back of Amber’s head as she outpaced them. The sound of hungry wolves. Skye’s burgeoning power. A strong pull into the air. Even greater fear. Amber’s scream. Gabriel’s anguish. Panic and paralysis. Refusal to act. Gabriel’s anger. More surging power.

  And finally, guilt, self-loathing and a plea for forgiveness.

  When she had run through the memory, she tried to pull her hand away. He gripped it instead. Her eyes shone with ashamed tears.

  In direct contrast to her overwrought emotional state, his thoughts were very matter-of-fact.

  Skye, you wield power greater than any of us have ever known. Even the elders were overwhelmed by it when they first felt it. You awe me every time you use your power. The fear you felt the first time it emerged was perfectly understandable. And it may have taken a shove to get you down from that tree, but your fear didn’t keep you from using your power to help others the very next time it was needed.

  Her brow wrinkled as she absorbed his words.

  I’m very proud of how far you’ve progressed in just a matter of months. You should be equally proud of yourself. You’ve advanced far more than any single Estilorian with years of training could manage.

  Though her cheeks grew pink, he still sensed her lingering guilt and doubt.

  You know, you’re the one who is always thinking about Fate. What do you suppose would have happened if you hadn’t lifted yourself and Gabriel from the ground when the wolves were at your heels?

  Now her eyes widened.

  That’s right. They would have killed you both. And what would have happened then if Amber had run back to help you, as she did in your memory when she thought something had happened to Gabriel? No one would have been able to heal her then. Even archigos Ini-herit’s powers are limited on the human plane. However it occurred and no matter your reaction at the time, you saved their lives.

  He felt every emotion that flowed through her as she considered this. And in the end, what was left was her unbridled love for him and joy that she was his avowed.

  And he also knew that she would now finally forgive herself.

  Do you see how they are looking at each other?

  Of course I do. You are broadcasting quite clearly. It appears Caleb has fallen, just like the others did. The fool.

  Do you think they believed that refuse Dacian was spouting?

  Who cares? It served its purpose.

  Yes. We have plenty of others serving their purposes for us, as well, do we not?

  They are all weak.

  When do you want to act?


  Chapter Thirty

  “Amber and Skye,” Sebastian said the following day when the group had traveled to the Lekwuesti homeland, “Caoilinn and I have carefully considered the candidates for pairing with you. As I have explained to you before, this pairing is one of very high prestige among our class. The Lekwuesti chosen to pair with you will be receiving an incredible honor.” He exchanged a smile with Caoilinn. “In fact, if we were not already paired ourselves, we would each have approached you already.”

  Skye beamed a smile back at them, appreciating the compliment for what it was. She exchanged a humored glance with Amber.

  “In the end,” Caoilinn picked up where her leader left off, “we decided to narrow the candidates down to those who were of an appropriate level of experience to pair with you. Then we considered your individual needs and personalities. And we determined that it would be best for you to select the Lekwuesti with whom you will pair from the candidates we have identified, since Olivia ultimately did so.”

  Now Skye and Amber looked at their sister, who flushed and shrugged in embarrassment. She had paired with her Lekwuesti, Brenna, before she knew she was supposed to wait. In the end, her decision had saved her life. No one had ever argued that the pairing hadn’t been best for all involved.

  “We have reserved one location for each of you,” Sebastian explained. “The candidates we have selected for you are awaiting your arrival. You will have the opportunity to meet with each of them and determine how they suit you. When you have made your decision, we will assist you with the pairing process.” He looked at Olivia. “As you are already paired, Olivia, you and James are free to explore our homeland.”

  “We have a lovely park with lush greenery that might appeal to you,” Caoilinn suggested. When Olivia’s face lit up, she smiled. “I would be happy to show you the way.”

  Skye watched Olivia and James follow the commander, their hands entwined. Since there was no one in the building they presently inhabited, there was no concern about someone seeing their obvious love for each other and getting bent out of shape about it. She was glad for that. She knew they had hardly had two seconds together to celebrate Olivia’s pregnancy over the past couple of days. Their joy over it radiated from each of them. She understood that their feelings for each other had to be minimized to prevent jealousy or other powerfully negative emotions among the Estilorians from emerging, but there was something to be said for simply being allowed to feel.

  The Lekwuesti had gathered as a group to welcome them upon their arrival that morning, but had been ordered to disperse shortly thereafter. Thus, the walk from their current location to the spaces reserved for them was quiet and uneventful. Skye thought the Lekwuesti homeland looked a lot like a human suburb, and when they approached two roomy cottages with white-washed stone walls and thatched roofs, her initial impression was confirmed.

  “Skye, if you and Caleb would please follow me,” Sebastian said, walking to the cottage on the left.

  Intensely curious, she followed. Caleb was right beside her. Sebastian opened the door and walked inside. Caleb followed him, always the first through any door she had to pass through. She walked in after him when he gave her a mental nod.

  There were no less than fifty Lekwuesti in the room. Her eyes went wide. This is narrowed down? she thought.

  “I leave you to your decision,” Sebastian said. And after giving her a smile, he bowed and left.

  Amber and Gabriel entered the second cottage behind Sebastian. As Skye’s had, Amber’s eyes went wide at the number of Lekwuesti present. Although the cottage was larger inside than it appeared on the outside, the number of beings in the space was more than a little overwhelming. And when about fifty pairs of lavender eyes turned in her direction, she immediately felt anxiety building over being the focus of so much attention.

  Sebastian left with hardly a sound. The room bowed in respect to Gabriel. Amber noticed several second glances at him. Most of the Lekwuesti in the room hadn’t seen him since he returned from the human plane. The change in his eye color and the removal of his Gloresti pairing markings often caused such reactions.

  “Hello, kyria Amber,” said a female with honey blonde hair and freckles. She bowed and crossed her right arm over her chest, a gesture usually only reserved for the elders. “My name is Elandra. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Hi, Elandra,” Amber said resignedly. She thought, What does kyria mean?

  ‘Lady,’ Gabriel translated. The Lekwuesti govern our social customs. It seems they’ve developed a title for you as my avowed.

  Struggling not to wince over the special treatment, she listened to the next introduction, this one from a male named Samuel.

nbsp; “It would be an honor to be paired with you, kyria Amber,” he said. “I would appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate my abilities for you. Perhaps I could create something for you? A piece of jewelry, perhaps?”

  “That’s really not necessary, Samuel,” she tried to say, but another Lekwuesti stepped forward.

  “I am Brucie,” said the dark-haired, dark-skinned female. Her voice was heavily accented. “I am so pleased to meet you, kyria Amber. I am particularly talented in creating delicious foods.”

  Amber inclined her head. “Right. Hello—”

  The next introduction came before she could finish. The beings in the room grew closer and closer as they started talking over one another to try and catch her attention. She could sense the growing urgency among the Lekwuesti in the back of the room who weren’t directly in her line of sight. Gabriel was standing behind her with his arms crossed, prepared to intervene if he found it necessary. Amber was on the verge of begging for him to put her out of her misery when a loud voice cut through the growing surge of introductions.

  “Back off, you thick-headed dolts!”

  The noise silenced. Heads turned. She looked up above the heads of the other Lekwuesti and spotted a round, dark, bald head making its way through the heavy crowd. Eventually, the large male reached her. Rather than introduce himself, he turned his back on her and spread his massive arms wide. Then he took two long steps back, pressing the horde several feet away from her.

  “Hey, Blue—that is not fair!” one of the retreating Lekwuesti complained.

  “What is not fair is mobbing kyria Amber when she obviously does not like crowds,” the giant argued in a voice as southern as Amber’s own. “You are all so focused on yourselves that you are failing to use your Lekwuesti sense.” He turned his lavender gaze to her and waved in her direction. “Her body language indicates she is highly agitated. Her tone and expressions tell me that she would rather be just about anywhere else but here. And you are all exacerbating those reactions.”