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  Of course, sir, James returned with a bow. Thank you.

  Now he smiled at his second daughter, who was also crying. Dearest Olivia. You have your mother’s delightful voice and her laugh. Yet I see so much of myself in you. You share my passion for learning. You are always eager to experience something new. You truly provide the balance your sisters need. On top of all of that, I can only marvel over all that you have done to make yourself stronger since transitioning to this plane. I am humbled by you.

  She took a shuddering breath. Thank you, Dad.

  Skye felt Caleb tense when her father turned to him. She realized this was just like any other guy meeting his girl’s dad for the first time. He silently questioned whether he would be seen as good enough for her. His uncertainty made her all the more emotional.

  Caleb, Saraqael conveyed, I know that archigos Gabriel deliberated a long while before choosing the Gloresti who would pair with our youngest daughter. You did not initially convey the emotion the elders were seeking from potential candidates.

  Skye looked at Caleb. He held her father’s gaze with an expression that didn’t reveal any of the churning emotions flowing through him.

  Saraqael continued, But you impressed them with your defensive skills and your dedication to the responsibilities of your class. You showed compassion among your peers and you demonstrated fairness and sound judgment. And what they have all come to learn is that although your emotions are not necessarily on the surface, they do run deep. Kate and I believe that archigos Gabriel and the other elders made the right choice in you. And so did our daughter.

  Caleb bowed, deeply humbled. Thank you, sir.

  Once again, Saraqael turned. As he looked at her, Skye’s breath hitched, tears trailing down her cheeks. He smiled. Skye…our youngest. You saved my best friend when it seemed all hope was lost. Indeed, I would not be here right now if not for you. You have your mother’s inspiring spirit and indomitable faith. What you are doing with these rituals is beyond all comprehension. I know you will continue to achieve impossible things. I stand in awe of you.

  She smiled back at him. Thank you, Dad.

  I love each of you, he thought, looking around the circle. You are now six, and before long, you will multiply. I am happy and honored to have been a part of that future. Please know that we believe in you…that we are always with you in spirit.

  We do, the sisters thought. Goodbye, Dad. We love you.

  And then, as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The sun had fully set by the time they left for the Gloresti homeland. They wanted to try and complete the rituals at the Gloresti and Waresti homelands the following day so that they could then get back to Central and begin making plans to hunt down Grolkinei. It had been heavily debated whether they should bother with the remaining rituals if they ultimately intended to find Grolkinei and stop him, but the sisters had insisted. They argued that it could be months before the Mercesti were found, and no one should be left vulnerable during that time. In the end, everyone else agreed. After all, a few more days certainly didn’t seem to make much difference, and each ritual made the sisters stronger.

  On the flight down to the Gloresti stronghold, Caleb carried Skye in front of him with the aid of a special harness so she could sleep. She and her sisters had actually not slept at all immediately following the ritual this time. Between the lack of usual restorative sleep and their high level of emotions experienced over the past couple of days, they had all been too tired to fly. James and Gabriel also carried Olivia and Amber.

  The brothers and their wives flew with the elders through the quiet and peaceful night. The tropical coconut scent of Skye’s hair and skin drifted to Caleb on the breeze, serving to relax him. He actually hadn’t realized until then just how tense he had been following the remarkable ritual that afternoon.

  Meeting Skye’s father had been powerful for all of them. The emotions of the sisters had flooded the six of them, simply multiplying his and his brothers’ own natural reactions to interacting with the Estilorian who had fathered the girls. It had certainly come as a humbling surprise to realize that the Estilorian he respected above all others—his leader and now his brother, Gabriel—had been just as stunned and uncertain as he and James had been to see Saraqael standing there, communicating with them nearly twenty years after his death.

  Now, he found himself reflecting on the path of his existence as the Gloresti homeland came into sight, the rocky crags of the various islands just visible against the night sky. Many balls of light glowed in welcome. The sight of where he had spent so many years of his existence made him realize again just how much his life had changed when he left to be Skye’s Gloresti nearly two decades before.

  He still remembered when, after days of interviewing, the elders had stood in front of all of the Gloresti to announce their selections of the three who would pair with Saraqael’s daughters. He had stood among his peers, curious over who would be named. Thinking back, he realized that he hadn’t been excited about the announcement. He simply hadn’t understood that emotion at the time.

  But he had been hopeful. Being the guardian of another was everything he had trained to do and wanted to be. He had thought his opportunity to do so wouldn’t arise for at least another century, so when it was announced that all Gloresti regardless of age would be considered for the important pairings with the half-human females, he had most certainly been interested.

  As was natural for him, he had carefully weighed and evaluated the reactions of the elders during his interview. He determined that they hadn’t been impressed by him, judging by the looks they had exchanged with each other as he gave his answers. Nevertheless, he had felt it important to give honest responses during this unprecedented selection process. He had believed that Saraqael’s daughters should be paired with the very best candidates, whether or not that turned out to be him.

  Still, he had been just as eager to hear the announcement regarding the pairings as everyone else.

  “We have reached our decisions regarding the Gloresti who will pair with Saraqael’s daughters,” Gabriel had said as he presided over the whole of his class, standing before all of the elders. “As you all know, we based our decisions on several criteria. The ideal candidates must possess an exceptional ability to defend, the sincere desire to defend regardless of the nature of the being they are paired with, the ability to reflect good judgment and the ability to understand and exhibit emotion.”

  Caleb remembered feeling certain that the last criteria ruled him out. He knew several other young Gloresti who smiled and engaged in behavior he himself did not understand. In fact, several of the males standing beside him, Alastair, Joseph, Tristan and Leo, were just such Gloresti, and they were smiling even then. Although Caleb had certainly witnessed such behavior over the course of his seventy-five years, he hadn’t been able to relate to it. The extent of the disappointment that accompanied his realization surprised him.

  “The Gloresti we have selected to pair with Saraqael’s first born daughter, Ambryl, is Simon.”

  Caleb remembered now that his heart started pounding the moment Gabriel started speaking. He knew now that he had very, very much wanted the assignment, though he hadn’t acknowledged it to himself or even really understood it at the time. He now remembered the sinking feeling he experienced when Simon’s name was spoken, once again thinking there was no way he would be selected when he watched the emotions flash across Simon’s face and couldn’t begin to understand what they meant.

  Silence greeted Gabriel’s announcement. Simon bowed in his position among his peers, all of whom were lined up with military precision facing the balcony housing the elders.

  “Thank you, archigos,” Simon had said in his clear voice.

  As Caleb was taller than most of those around him, he had seen Simon’s smile. He also noticed that Alastair’s smile had faded. Then they both turned their attention back to their leader.

; “The Gloresti we have selected to pair with Saraqael’s second-born daughter, Olaya, is James.”

  This time, Caleb fully registered all of the reactions of those around him. He expected to see disappointment and rejection, as those were his feelings. Instead, he saw anger and resentment. Alastair’s gaze narrowed as he looked at James, reflecting jealousy. Joseph looked equally upset. Puzzled by this, Caleb had frowned again as James took his bow from a few rows away.

  “Thank you, archigos,” James had said.

  With his current understanding of emotions, Caleb knew now that James had looked both shocked and humbled by the announcement. At the time, Caleb had dismissed the negative reactions of his peers, thinking that James and Simon were both excellent choices. He had nodded in silent agreement as he considered each of them.

  Gabriel had watched Caleb closely during the announcement of James’ name. Caleb hadn’t really registered that as significant until now. But thinking back, he remembered his leader turning to face the other elders before making the final announcement. The Gloresti around Caleb had all exchanged considering looks and elbow nudges as they debated what was happening. He had simply stood attentively, wondering what had caused the disturbance in the flow of the ceremony.

  After nearly a full minute, Gabriel had turned back around. His dark blue eyes had scanned the crowd, falling briefly on Alastair and the three Gloresti beside him, all of whom flashed smiles. Then he said, “And the Gloresti we have selected to pair with Saraqael’s youngest daughter, Skylar, is…” and he shifted his gaze, “Caleb.”

  Caleb hadn’t moved for several seconds after hearing his name. Only when a few nearby Gloresti turned to stare at him had he actually believed what his ears had told him. His first instinct had been to blurt out, “Are you certain?” But he had instead forced himself to bow and say, “Thank you, archigos,” as though he had known the entire time it would be him.

  He had left the very next afternoon and spent each day of the next eighteen years guarding Skye’s Estilorian form. He had never regretted a single moment of that time.

  What he considered now is that no one he had left behind at the Gloresti homeland had likely missed him. None of his peers had been what he now understood as friends. As he had realized during the dinner at the ball culminating in his wedding, none of the Gloresti he had lived with for over seven decades knew him even marginally as well as the three females they now carried into the class homeland.

  And as he landed and shifted Skye so he was carrying her more comfortably, her head tucked against his chest and her sweet-scented hair tickling the underside of his chin, he realized once again how fortunate he was.

  Three figures approached the landing platform as the elders joined the brothers. He spotted commander Hitoshi first. Flanking him on his right was second commander Balduin and on his left was lieutenant Edra. The lieutenant had assumed her rank a couple of years before Caleb and James left the homeland. He didn’t know her very well. Her face was expressionless, but alert. She kept her copper-colored hair cut short with ruler-straight bangs, and wore a navy blue tank with pants and boots. Her well-toned arms and back bore the same dark blue markings as all elder Gloresti. She was nearly as tall as Balduin.

  Caleb bowed with respect as much as possible with Skye in his arms as James did the same on the other side of Gabriel. Then Hitoshi, Balduin and Edra bowed with their right arms crossed over their chests.

  “Greetings, archigos,” Hitoshi said with a smile. “I am pleased to see your travels were uneventful. It is good to see you.”

  “Thanks, Hitoshi,” Gabriel replied quietly, not wanting to wake the sisters. “Good to see y’all, too. It’s been too long since we’ve been home.”

  “We have readied your residence, archigos,” Balduin said. His gaze shifted briefly to James and Caleb. “With rooms for your guests.”

  “My family,” Gabriel corrected. “And thanks. We’ll all head there for the night and I’ll greet everyone tomorrow morning before the ritual.”

  “I would be happy to show everyone else to their accommodations,” Edra said, looking to the other elders.

  “Thank you, lieutenant Edra,” Jabari said. “It has been a long day.”

  They all began filing off the landing platform. Edra led the other elders along a path to the left as Hitoshi turned to the right and led the way for the rest of them toward Gabriel’s dwelling. It suddenly struck Caleb that he was going to be entering his leader’s house, something very few beings ever did. Not just that, but he was going to be staying there.

  And it wasn’t weird at all.

  He could tell by the way Gabriel and Hitoshi exchanged a few glances that they were communicating silently to avoid disturbing the sisters. It also occurred to him that if he put any real effort into it, he would know exactly what they were discussing thanks to his connection to Gabriel. He wouldn’t dream of that, however.

  Balduin walked behind his leaders, just in front of James and Caleb. He glanced over his shoulder and looked briefly at Skye and Olivia.

  “It seems some of the rumors are true,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper.

  Caleb quirked an eyebrow. He and James both knew about the rumors that were circulating among the various Estilorians who hadn’t yet met the sisters. Neither of them commented.

  “Obviously they are not physically deformed, as many believe,” Balduin continued.

  Caleb imagined the second commander hadn’t done anything to dispel that rumor, though. He set his back teeth against his slow anger and remained silent.

  “But as to the belief that their strength and abilities are less than a full Estilorian’s, that appears quite obviously true.”

  James rolled his eyes behind their second commander’s back. Caleb unexpectedly felt his lips twitching over the expression. His anger evaporated. He and his brother knew that Balduin was simply ignorant.

  And the second commander would soon learn just how wrong he was.

  Look at the two of them exchanging their mocking glances. They think they are so much above me…above everyone.

  They will learn otherwise soon enough.

  Oh, yes they will.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Skye thought it was supremely awesome that Gabriel had not one, but two incredible homes. She was already in love with his and Amber’s castle on the mainland. But this dwelling, carved into the side of a small mountain, was just as fabulous.

  When she had awakened in the massive, pillow-top bed centered in their large, richly-appointed bedroom, she thought she never wanted to get out of it. As Caleb was awake and greeted her good morning in a very, well, energetic fashion, she thought there was even more reason to remain in bed for the rest of the day. She certainly did what she could to convince him her plan was sound. He even agreed quite enthusiastically with her up until Gabriel knocked on the door and told him to get moving.

  Ah, well.

  Just as impressive to her was the tub in the bathroom attached to their bedroom. It was a deep grotto of warm, bubbling water. She was even now soaking in a shimmering, frothy bath scented like orange blossoms.

  Caleb stepped into the bathroom, already fully dressed in a brown tank and khaki pants with his standard combat boots. He squatted down beside the tub. She recognized the look in his eye and raised a corner of her mouth as she swam closer to him.

  “Shouldn’t you have gotten that off your mind after this morning?” she asked.

  “It’s always on my mind,” he said, but the humor in his tone didn’t reach his eyes. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m leaving the bedroom to meet with Gabriel and James.”

  “Okay. Come here first.”

  He moved closer, going down to one knee. She pushed herself partway out of the water and kissed him. When he finally pulled back, he looked down at his now-wet boots.

  “That’ll be interesting to explain to the guys,” he said dryly, making her laugh. “I’ll be around. You’ll be safe here, so feel free to
leave the room when you’re dressed.”

  “Yes, dear.” She again sank into the water. When he turned to leave, she added, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” he called over his shoulder.

  She waited until she heard the door close before she let her troubled expression show.

  What has him upset, Qel’a? He won’t share his thoughts with me.

  He does not want to concern you.

  We’re married now. We’re supposed to share things, no matter how difficult they might be.

  That is sometimes easier to say than to do.

  Tell me, please. What is it he doesn’t want me to know?

  There was a pause. She finished rinsing herself as she felt her guardian weighing his choices. She didn’t press him. Getting out of the tub, she reached for the large, soft towel waiting for her and began drying off.

  Caleb is worried that your feelings will be injured by someone in his homeland, Tomaganuk revealed at last. He knows there were many unhappy Gloresti left behind eighteen years ago when the elders made their choices over who would pair with you and your sisters. He is worried that some of the remaining Gloresti have funneled their anger and disappointment into bitterness and resentment. He is also concerned that you and your sisters will hear of the rumors that have been circulating about you.

  She understood then. She wasn’t ignorant of the rumors, though Gabriel had done what he could to shield her and her sisters from them. And she was sure that Hitoshi and the other Gloresti who had already met them had surely dismissed the falsities. But she also knew that individuals would often believe whatever they chose to until their eyes told them otherwise.

  Caleb was concerned because he knew there were Gloresti who wanted to believe the worst of Saraqael’s daughters…that they were deformed, rude and arrogant, lacking strength, intelligence or character, and otherwise paled in comparison to full Estilorians. It would be easier, after all, for a Gloresti to think that he or she had escaped having to pair with such a being than to face the alternative.